


At Frenchay, children follow the White Rose scheme of work.  This well-designed progressive maths curriculum ensures that children build on their mathematical knowledge from year to year and there are clear building blocks allowing for knowledge to stick and be built upon. Children become fluent in the mathematical concepts before applying these concepts in problem solving and reasoning questions / investigations.  We encourage a growth mindset and a ‘have a go’ attitude in maths – through this we develop resilience and an ability to learn through mistakes. We want children to learn through the power of investigation and finding their own solutions as well as through collaboration and talking with others to dive deep and investigate maths concepts to find different answers and possibilities



Daily maths sessions are planned and structured to develop and build on previous mathematical knowledge.  The sessions start with a ‘fast 5’ which looks to develop fluency of the key maths concepts as well as revise previously taught learning. Lessons will then move onto the main concept for the day with a ‘have a go’ opportunities aimed at giving the children a chance to talk and problem solve throughout the whole lesson.  Class teachers will then model and address misconceptions (when required) throughout the whole lesson .  Lessons will use a variety of concrete, pictorial and abstract representations where appropriate to extend and support all children in class to achieve as best as they can. Children will choose the chilli that they feel comfortable based on their learning in the lesson for their independent task. During independent tasks teachers will be assessing children’s understanding and then working with children who need extra support or teacher input in order to achieve.  Marking is used both live in lessons and after lesson where appropriate - tickle pink, for where children have shown working to help their success, and green for growth, for where children can correct errors or be extended in their learning. Children will also be informed if they have met / part met / not met the learning for the day.  There is also an opportunity for the children to self-assess their learning or peer asses their partners learning at the end of each lesson.


Power of 1 and Power of 2 are used as a maths booster throughout the school to help booster children with their fluency and basic mathematical concepts.  Staff will also run maths booster throughout the week to plug gaps in children’s learning.

Times tables are taught at 3 levels:

1)    New times tables are taught/reviewed using the Jill Mansergh times table stick method.  These are practiced regularly through all year groups.

2)   Practice times table grids are used as an early morning activity once a week and stuck into the back of books.

3)   Practice at home – the school also uses the TT Rock Stars app.  Every child is given a login and it is set as homework to practice at home 3-5 times a week.

(In year groups where times tables are not taught – staff will work on number bonds)



The students at Frenchay enjoy maths lessons and want to be challenged and pushed in every lesson.  They are fluent mathematicians who have a growth mindset, and are resilient in using a range of strategies to solve reasoning and problem-solving questions and investigations.

Believe, Belong, Become
Taken from Hebrews 10:24-25
‘And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds’